Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chapter 38

Okay agoolkum min al7een! I'm not going to be posting for the rest of the weekend, maybe Saturday night, if not Sunday. I have exams and I really need to focus. Please understand, thank you xx Hehe I'm studying for my French test while blogging, enjoy! :p

Finally it's Friday, which means I get to go see Strike! But unfortunately I needed to take my French books with me so I can get some time to study. 

I wore my riding clothes and made sure I took everything with me, we finally reached there in an hour. The weather was amazing, clear blue sky and sunshine, it was hot but I didn't care. Strike was already let loose and was munching on the grass, as soon as he saw me he came jogging towards our car. 

Me: "Hala w ghala :D" I said pretending he understood. Baba laughed at me, he always did. I started talking to Strike when I was about 12 years old, everyone thought I was crazy, but that's not going to stop me. I led him to the stables and suited him up, thankfully Baba finally let me ride on my own, but I can't go too far considering how big the place is. 

I jumped on and ran across the whole place, I rode till it was time for lunch, that's when Wahab and his father came calling me. 

Me: "Elsalam 3ami shlonik?" I said getting off Strike, I tied his neck to his feet loosely scared he'd run away. 

"El 7imdila entay shlounich Sara? Shloun elmadresa?" he asked smiling at me.

I smiled back, "El7imdila :D" 

We got in and ate lunch, my day was perfect..

Until Baba had to ruin it, "Sara entay mu 3ndch emti7an?"

Me: "Um.. Ee?" 

Baba: "3eyal laish yayah elmazra3a? Ana mu geltlich etha 3ndch imte7anat tg3deen tadrseen?"

Me: "Yuba a9lan sahel mayabeela shay shda3wa:D" I lied.

Baba: "Shnu emti7anich?" 

Me: "French.."

Baba: "Ee khair enshala.." 

Ti7abaa6t:( I didn't want to remember the huge test on Sunday, I hated not being prepared for something. 

After lunch Baba announced that he was going to go check elmazra3a eli yamna. 

Baba: "Ha tg3deen wla tyeen wyana?" he said.

Me: "Bt6awloon?"

Baba: "Ee shwaya."

Me: "La khala9 bag3ad adris a7sanly."

Baba: "May9eer tg3deen brou7ich Sara emshay wyana a7san?"

Wahab: "3ade 3ami ana ag3ad wyaha.."

Baba: "Khala9 khosh, etha taboon ay shay degaw 3lay, el 7aris wl 9iby kahum barra etha 9ar shay seeda tdgoon 3lay ok? W maku 6al3a min elmazra3a."

Me: "Enshalla yuba."

He looked at me again, "Akeed Sara?"

Me: "Ee wallah yuba mara7 a6la3."

Baba: "Yallah 7e6aw balkum." and they left. He's so over protective! I looked outside the window, they sealed the gates shut. Iff wai3 :( I wanted to sneak out so bad! Sure the arena is big and everything but I feel trapped, the sandy streets were perfect for riding, and Strike adored them too. 

I got my colossal red textbook and a few worksheets and sat on the glass table facing the arena, I could see Strike eating some grass, and Wahab was getting Sami out. I sighed and started studying. 

It wasn't so bad, I was halfway done. Then came the huge ass booklet where I needed to identify random words. I rubbed my temples in frustration, this was a huge part of the test w ana mu fahma shay! 

I screamed and my voice echoed through the whole villa, "Malat 3laich Ms Cathy!!!" I sat there and whined to myself, this is how I got all the frustration out. I sound like a baby-.-

"El7imdila wlshker.." Wahab just came in, his curly black hair was wet. "Shfeech entay maynoona?"

Me: "Chub, lazm adris."

Wahab: "Shnu emte7anich?"

I sighed, "French."

Wahab: "6e7say." He opened up the refrigerator and got a new water bottle. 

Me: "Bes shh I need to focus." I stared at the pages blankly. 

Wahab: "Adarsch? I took French for two years."

Me: "Cham your grade?"

Wahab: "A- :D" 

Me: "Baas?"

Wahab: "Chub tera wallah 9a3eb. Grade 11 mu le3ba, 3ad entaw yahal."

Me: "Your not that old."

Wahab: "Age? Maybe not, bes I'm smarter."

Me: "La wallah? Yallah khanshouf!"

Wahab: "Okay yalah!" he yanked a chair from the dining table and sat down. I scooted over.

Me: "Shouf kil hatha lazm afhama w ba3dain beya36ooni questions 3anhom." I said pointing at the paragraph.

Wahab: "W kela mu fahimta?"

Me: "La fee ashya2 fahamt'hum, bes fe words wayed 9a3been 3lay."

Wahab: "Okay underline them.." and I did.

Wahab: "Oula! Entay shnu t3arfeen?"

Me: "Chub tera my GPA 7ail mirtaf3a ok?" 

He laughed, "Okay fahma el qi9a?" 

Me: "La mu 3adel."

Wahab: "Ok shoufay, hathe qi9a 7ail qadeema..." and he started to explain it. I fully understood the story, but I had to identify the words. 

He read all the words and wrote down the meaning, but he left 10 words for me to figure out. He told me to memorize the words while he found the meaning for the rest of them. 

Me: "Wahab shloun agoul hal kelma?" I showed him the word. 

Wahab: "Susciter"

Me: "Ha :/" 

Wahab: "Break the word down, Su-sci-ter. Susciter" 

Me: "Okay shnu ya3ne?"

Wahab: "Egray the sentence gabelha w ra7 t3arfeen."

Me: "Iff okay :("

I read it a few times before I said, "Arouse?" 

Wahab: "9aaa7!" 7adi ishta6ait. 

Wahab: "Tera mu3tham el ashya2 7ufith, so just try memorizing them." 

He quizzed me after we were done. There were a couple of words left. 

Wahab: "Nostalgie?"

Me: "Nostalgia."

Wahab: "Frénétique" I almost melted when he said that D: 

Me: "Frantic"

Wahab: "W akher shay, en fin de compte" 

Me: "Uhh.. Ultimately?"

He clapped, "Wa2akheeran."

I could just hug him, "Mashkooorrr!!!" 

Wahab: "El3afu shda3wa, bes raj3eehum w yawailich etha makhathaitay 3alama zaina ha?"

The day turned out perfectly, I was more than pleased.  

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