Monday, April 9, 2012

Chapter 8

"Sara!!" Baba called from downstairs.

Me: "Na3aaam" I yelled back.

Baba: "Ta3alay taghaday." 

Me: "Enshala kani yaya!"

I quickly took off my necklace and put it back in it's box, then stuffed it into my drawer. 

I sat down, our lunch today was my favorite. Pink pasta drenched with melted cheese, and mashed potatoes with white sauce on the side. I ate like there was no tomorrow. 

M7amad showed up minutes later and sat down to eat with us. 

My phone vibrated, a bbm from 3aziz. 

3aziz: T6l3een bacher?

Me: Wain tawna 6al3een 3aziz!

3aziz: Yallah 3aad Sara, ana al7een ga3d at2asaflich.  

Me: Okay as2al ubooy warid 3laik khabar.


Me: "Yuba 3aadi a6la3 bacher?"

Baba: "Wain ba3ad? Sara tawich 6al3a!"

Me: "Yuba please, my friend, 9arle sina mu shayfat'ha."

M7amad: "La yuba latkhaleeha trou7 tawha 6al3a" 

Me: "Waay M7amad ent shaku?! Ga3da akalim ubooy!"

He sticked his tongue out and made a face, 7maar.

Baba: "Maku 6al3a."

Me: "Yubaa!" 

Baba: "Kelma wa7da, kamlay aklich." 

I sat down in silence and finished my meal.

M7amad: "Ghareeba, 3adatan t7ineen 3laih laman ygoul ee." he said when Baba left the table.

Me: "Khala9 mabe arou7." I said in a sharp tone.

M7amad: "A7san" he got up and flicked his finger on my cheek. I couldn't help but smile.

He was right, if I wanted something I wouldn't stop at nothing till I get it. But the thing is, I didn't want to go out with 3aziz. T7ooshni ka2aba. Lana I know every time he says I'll change, it lasts for a day or two, then he's back to his cocky self. 

I told 3aziz I couldn't come because my dad said no.

3aziz: Ana elghal6an eli shareelich hadeya w yaay ba6al3ich! Wallah mu kafu. 

Me: Latgoul chithe! Ubooy maritha ya3ne shasawe? Agoum a6iga?

3aziz: Enzain bes khala9.

Me: Lat3a9eb.

3aziz: Shloun ma3a9eb! Adre feech entay asasan matabeen!

Me: SHAKU? MIN GAAL?? Ubooy maritha shtabeeni asawe, ya3ne 7i6 rou7ik ib mukani!

3aziz: Ok bes 9akray elmawthou3

Me: Ok.

I scrolled up and saw our conversations, kla hwash. 

I don't want this anymore. 

I don't want to be with him anymore. 

All he does is cause me pain. Heartbreaks after heartbreaks. When he says he's going to change and I actually look forward to it, he disappoints me. 

I tried looking into the good side. He says when we're finally old enough to get married he's going to buy me a "mansion" 

At first I thought that's what I wanted. 

But no, his love is conditional. 

What's the point of all the fancy jewelry? That's not real love. 

Real love is selfless. 

Real love is sacrifice.

Something he'll never understand. 

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