Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chapter 26

I woke up the next day, my cheeks were still a bit swollen, thankfully they were better than yesterday. Its also Friday which meant I'd go riding, you don't know how much I needed it! 

I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed into my red polo shirt. I heard unfamiliar voices downstairs, so I went down curiously.

Baba had an expression I couldn't understand, he was sitting next to two men, and a teenage guy. I couldn't see him so I opened up the peek of the door to get a glimpse. 


I literally felt like he was this perverted ghost haunting me. 

Baba finally looked at me and smiled, "Sara! Ta3alay!" He waved at me to enter. 

When I entered the living room I saw M7amad smiling at me as well, why were they so happy? 

I sat down next
 to Baba, 3aziz's family were there as well. 

Me: "Um. Yuba sh9ayr?" 

Baba looked at 3aziz and winked, "Hathi kh6bitich!" He finally said.

Kh6bty? To whom?!

Baba: "3aziz yaay ytqadamlich!" 

My jaw nearly hit the floor, "3aziz? W ana?" I looked at 3aziz who had a sincere and honest look in his eyes. 

Me: "3aziz ent nsait shnu 9ar ams blexpo?" I said between gritted teeth. 

3aziz: "Ha? Ay expo?" How typical of him! 

Me: "Ams bel expo laman r7t wya Fatma." I tried to control my temper.

They all looked at me confused. 

Baba: "Sara entay ams ma6ila3tay."

Me: "Yuba? La r7t el expo!" 

Baba: "Sara. Entay kntay ga3da jdami 6oul elyoum, ma6ila3tay."

What? Ma6ila3t? Was this all just a dream? Because if it was, I'm glad.

But what about me and 3aziz? Yeah, when pigs fly. 

Baba: "Sara." He said, shaking me.

"Sara!" I saw Baba in the middle of my room trying to wake me up.

"3AZIZ!" I gasped loudly.

Oh crap.

"Ha? Ay 3aziz?" He said suspiciously.

"Ha? Um, rewaya knt ga3da agraha, 3aziz kan bemoot." I said innocently, a7la targee3.

He bought it, "Enzain yallah goumay badlay bnrou7 embacher elyoum."

"Enshala." I got up and changed into the same clothes I wore in my dream, weird.

3aziz keeps popping everywhere, its getting kind of creepy. 

15 minutes later we got into M7amad's Silverado truck. I don't get Kuwaiti boys, these trucks are found everywhere, even if the guy doesn't have a license, lazm a Silverado truck. 

I really couldn't wait till we arrived and ready to ride, I needed a break from all this drama and nonsense, was peace so much to ask for? 

We finally arrived, and it feels like I haven't been here for months. Strike wiggled his head when I was in sight. 

"Missed me?" I said stroking his head. I got out some large pieces of jet for him to eat before riding, he's going to need a lot of it. 

I heard steady footsteps behind me on the grass, I turned around to see Wahab. 

I ignored him and kept feeding Strike, this was going to be too awkward. 

Wahab: "Shnu la salam wla shay?" 

I smiled at him, "Salam." Then looked at the ground. 

He got Sami out and prepared her for riding, "Sara.."

Me: "Na3am?" 

Wahab: "Eli 9ar ams, bainy w bainich bs." 

Me: "Akeed Wahab." 

We were quiet for an awkward amount of time, till I broke the silence. 

Me: "Wahab, you don't know how thankful I am. Mashkartik 3adil."

Wahab: "Shda3wa Sara, y3ne bakhaleeh ysawi feech chthe? W a9lan sawaw shay wla la2?" He asked.

Me: "La el7mdila, you came in right on time." I smiled at him.

Wahab: "Zain el7mdila." 

Strike was done eating, and ready to be riden. I tried to open his gate but it was too high for me to reach. 

Wahab came closer and opened it for me, my face came up to his neck. I felt like a baby.

Me: "Mashkoor." I led Strike to the equipment room and got what I needed, minutes later I was riding off and into the huge arena. 

Later on Wahab came in too, "Tit9abgain?" 

I laughed, "Laish? Tabe takhser?" 

Wahab: "Haha, enshouuf bes!" 

Wahab ran off outside the gates, and I followed. He took the lead until I finally beat him, we both slowed down. 

Me: "Mu gltlik!" 

Wahab was out of breath, "Not bad at all." 

We both got down from our horses and walked with them. 

Me: "Wahab 3adi as2lik su2al?" 

Wahab: "Se2lay." He shielded his eyes from the sun. I stared at his light brown eyes for a minute.

He coughed, "Sara?" 

Me: "Huh? Ee, um. Laish faj2a gemt you ignore me? I mention you, you never reply, I dm you, you ignore."

He sighed heavily, "Ra7 t3a9been?"

Me: "Probably, bes yallah goul." 

Wahab: "Theek elmara blshalaih, 3aziz s2alne shloun a3arfich."

Oh boy..

"W wayed kan mehtam blmawthoo3, 3ugub ma giltlah inich your a family friend, he started saying bad things about you." 

"Mithel shnu?" I asked.

"Ya3nee ashya2 mu zaina. W 9adagta, so I started to back off." He said with guilt. 

"Enzain abe a3arif shnu gal." I told him.

He sighed, "Warane el9oura w galy inich bnaya mu metrabya." 

I wanted to cry, I'm not proud of my choices. I looked down, my eyes were sparkling from the tears.

Wahab: "Sara, I'm not judging you." 

Me: "That's exactly what a person who would judge me would say."

Wahab: "Bes I'm not. Okay, mamshaitay 3la el6reej el9a7, bes I don't know what you've been through, who am I to judge." 

This is the first time anyone has said that to me. A normal person would say I was a slut, but he actually understands. 

"Thank you." I said. 

And with that, we were back in the stables.