Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chapter 22

Hey readers! I hope you like this post, comment and tell me if you like where it's going? And follow me! x @KuwaityBlogger 

"Sara." someone whispered in my ear.

Me: "Mmm" I mumbled covering the blanket with my face. 

"Sara yallah goumay." he was shaking my arm.

I opened my eyes, a very wide awake M7amad was greeting me with his good morning smile. 

M7amad: "Yallah bagi6ich elmadrisa."

I got up on one elbow, "W laish balah?"

M7amad: "Chithe, yallah we're leaving in 10."

I quickly got up and went into my bathroom, I looked up at the mirror, I still wasn't used to this! It's crazy how much my face has changed, not just my hair. 

I wonder what will the other girls in school think. 

But then again, who the hell cares?

I changed into my uniform and headed downstairs, Lisa has already prepared me some french toast and freshly squeezed orange juice. I ate till I was stuffed. 

M7amad: "Yallah mishaina?" he said grabbing his keys.

I got into his car quickly and fastened the seatbelt. I haven't really used my phone since that day, I was too scared. 

I gave up and finally logged into Twitter. I scrolled down the timeline, no one has tweeted anything about me or the incident. Inshalah nisaw. 

I was wrong, when I finally got to school some of the girls were staring at me like I was a freak. But with Fatma with me it made things a whole lot easier. I'm not sure if it was from my sudden change or from 3aziz.. 

I opened up my locker to get my things, but a folded paper slipped out. I grabbed it from the ground and opened it. 

The picture of me and 3aziz. 

Who would do this. 

Who would make it harder for me, as if It wasn't enough. 

Who else, other than Shoug?

I crumpled the paper angrily and threw it into the trashcan. This is not fair, and I can't take it anymore. But what else can I do? Hit Shoug again and get my father into the school? She'll have the chance to talk to him and ruin everything for me. I lost my family once, I don't want to lose them again. 

I passed Shoug as I was walking to Math. She was giggling with some other girls who looked way older than her. I didn't look at her and that made her angry.


Passing the lockers, I made my way downstairs to exit the school finally. But a grip had caught my shoulder, slamming me into the nearest locker.

"ENTAY SHIMSAWYA!?" She yelled, it took me a second to realize it was Shoug.

Me: "Mu emsawya shay?!?" I tried to break free, her hands were really hurting me. 

"YAL CHATHABA! SHIMSAWYA FEENY!!!" She yelled, some girls were staring at us.

Finally a bunch of seniors came and pulled her away, she tried to come back and hit me but they wouldn't let her. 

Shfeeha hathe! I didn't do anything!

Fatma came running to me, "Sara t3awartay?!"

I massaged my shoulder, "La mafeeni shay, shfeeha hathe!?"

Fatma looked at me, "Matadreen sh9ar feeha?" she asked.

Me: "Haw, la2 sh9ar?" 

Fatma unlocked her phone and opened up twitter, she typed in a name I didn't recognize then clicked on their avatar. 

A picture of Shoug. 

And who was she with?


I grabbed the phone with both of my hands, my jaw almost hit the ground.

"Mnu hathee?!?" I almost yelled.

Fatma: "Ma7ad yadri!" she said examining the picture.

I almost felt today's french toast come up my throat, this picture was way worse than mine. 

I'm sorry if this is a bit too descriptive, but you'd want to know what the picture is, right?

She was wearing shorts maku ag9ar minna. It looked like 3aziz's shalaih, I recognized it from last time. She was sitting on his lap and had her hands wrapped around his shoulder.

I'm not even going to tell you the rest. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, now she knows exactly how I feel. 

I got home and layed on my bed, I told Fatma to send me the twitter account. Tawni astaw3b el isim, @KTownsSlut. I was disgusted, who would do this? How'd they get the picture? 

The picture of me and 3aziz was sent to only two people on this planet, Shoug and Fatma.
But I'm pretty sure Shoug's picture was stolen. 

I read the bio, 'This is K Town's biggest slut, follow us to be updated on what girls do these days, enjoy :*' 

Apparently every month or so they'd find pictures of girls and basically ruin their lives. I saw the tweets, I couldn't even read any more min kither mah wa9kheen. They were filled with guys.. I'm so thankful my picture didn't end up there. 

I don't know what I feel about this, a part of me says a7san, but another part of me says this is too much, even for Shoug. 

I sighed, days like these make me want to get up on Strike and ride him till the sun sets. It's the only time I could let my thoughts hang loose and be whoever I want to be without being judged. 

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