Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter 43

This chapter is dedicated to @Shouush_! Enjoyy. Please leave any ideas on my ask, I'm running out of ideas, and I have writer's block. :c 

I tossed and turned in my bed, but sleep wouldn't come to me. I tried all the different methods but I still couldn't sleep. I checked the time, 2:34am. 

I sighed and unlocked my phone, finding a new bbm. 

Wahab: Awake? (Sent at 11:20pm)

Me: I am now, are you? 

He instantly replied, I loved people that do that!

Wahab: Yup 

Me: Shtsawe ga3d?;/

Wahab: Insomnia strikes :p Wntay?

Me: Madre magdar anam.

Wahab: Digay khan solif 

Me: Laa Wahab 

Wahab: Laish? Tisti7een? ;)

Me: Shaku aste7y

Wahab: 3eyal yallah degay

I peaked out my bedroom's door and I didn't find anyone, M7amad must be in the duwaniya and Baba is fast asleep. 

Me: Okay fine :p

It's okay. Nothing's going to happen. Bes binsolif!

I called, and after 1 ring he picked up the phone. 

Wahab: "Hala :D"

Me: "Hala feekk"

Wahab: "Shlounich?"

Me: "Zaina, enta shlounik?"

Wahab: "Bkhair."

Me: "Magiltlik? I got an A on my French test, ubooi mu rathi e9adeg:p"

Wahab: "Gilteela ana darastich?"

Me: "La2 :D"

Wahab: "Kalba:p"

Me: "Chub:p"

We paused for a second, omg shagouul? -.-

Me: "A7em"

Wahab: "Khair inshala shfeech?"

Me: "3eed meladi this Friday ya3ne.."

Wahab: "Okay shasaweelich?:/"

Me: "Wallah inik 7mar!" 

Wahab: "Atghashmar, happy early birthday :D"

Me: "Thank you :D"

Wahab: "Cham bt9ereen?"

Me: "Sixteeeenn!"

Wahab: "Yal yahil."

Me: "You're only 17 :)"

Surprisingly I didn't feel awkward talking to him after that. It's been our routine, at 2:30am exactly I'd call and we'd talk to each other till 4:00am. In9ale winam. Our relationship was weird. A brother-sister relationship, but in the same time we flirted. Okay so that sounded wrong:/ Ya3ne we fought like brother and sister, but kind of talked like a couple. 

We said our good mornings and goodnights, he always asked how I did in school, I always asked him to stay out of trouble with 3aziz. It was perfect. But it's all going to crash down when one of us falls in love. I don't want that, I don't want that at all. I've only had a few people that actually support and understand me, Wahab was one of the first. But so far, our relationship was okay, we had our limits. It's too complicated, I can't even explain it. 


Finally, came Friday. I wanted to spend it riding Strike but Nouf insisted I came to her shalaih again. And of course, I needed to convince Baba and M7amad. 

Baba: "La wallah matrou7een!"

Me: "Yuba?! Ya3ne ta7rimne min shoufat ahali bes 3shan hal 7mar 3aziz? Ana shaku uhwa eli ta7arash! A9lan mara7 a6la3 bag3ad belshalaih!"

Baba: "Sara, bes khala9. Tabeen? Rou7ay elmazra3a. Bes maku shalaih."

Me: "Yubaaa:'( Ya3ne 3eed meladi Nouf tabe twanisne!"

M7amad: "Ohoo! Ou ba3dain?!" M7amad came into the living room, "Bes khala9 ana arou7 wyaha yuba! 3an el7anah"

Baba: "Teg3ad wyaha laih belail maku rou7a wala radah min shalaih rab3ik?" he asked M7amad.

M7amad: "Ee 3shan kha6erha. Yallah 3eyal goumay tzahibay."

Me: "OKAAY!! :D" I shot out of my seat and changed into my shorts and white Hollister t shirt. I got everything with me and met M7amad outside. He unlocked his Silverado truck. 

I put my arms on my hips, "Ya3ne 3indik sayara sh7luha," I pointed at his Range Rover. "Takheth hal sayara elmsakrba?"

He sighed, "Entay wala shay ya3jbch:/" He locked his Silverado and got into his grey Range Rover. Heeyaa :D

My phone vibrated, someone was pinging me. 

Wahab: Wainich?

Me: Omw to bnaider, you?

Wahab: I'm at bnaider;p

Me: Wya mnu?

Wahab: 7amad 

Me: 7amad my second cousin?

Wahab: Yup Asalem 3laih?

Me: LA YA7MAR:O Latsalim 3laih! Shbegoul?!

Wahab: Hahaha adre =)) 

I smiled at my phone.

M7amad and I both got in, the place was filled with my family and couisins. They all wished me a happy birthday. 

My phone beeped. 

Wahab: W9altay?

Me: Eee

Wahab: I'm coming over:p

Me: Alone?:o

Wahab: Lol tkhayilay, wya 7amad:p

Me: 7ayak:D

Wahab: Allah y7ayeech, bitnameen?

Me: La I'm just visiting.

Wahab: Okay w bacher btrou7een elmazra3a?

Me: Akeedd!! 

Wahab: Hehe ok:p

Me: Laish?

Wahab: Asking:D

After 15 minutes I saw both 7amad and Wahab enter the shalaih, Wahab came in awkwardly trying to avoid my family. Bes mashala 3ala yadity makhalita. 

"Ta3al ta3al, shismiik? Ee enta!" she asked him.

Wahab scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, shyness on him looked too cute! My girl cousins were falling all over him, twisting their hair and giggling. He spotted me on the far end and flashed me a smile, revealing his pearly white teeth. He ran his fingers through his curly hair and walked into the duwaniya joining my other boy cousins, including M7amad and Fahad. 

Nouf and I basically sat in the shalaih and ate our butts off. We couldn't leave it, not without M7amad's permission.. He's too over protective. 

Me: Al7een mu sajneen 3aziz????:) Laish may9eer a6la3?:)

M7amad: Entay matadreen! Ymkn 3inda rab3

Me: Waaay el ti3iqiddd mu 6abee3i:'(


M7amad: Bes 3aad! Tara wallah aridich elbait.

7sait rou7y yahel! Nouf and I had to bear with M7amad's rules, so we just spent the day in the shalaih playing deal with the rest of my cousins. Later that night everyone left and the shalaih was basically dead quiet. 

Wahab, M7amad, 7amad and Fahad were in the duwaniya, I could hear their screams and I could tell they were playing Call Of Duty. 

Nouf: "Ifff muz3ijeen!"

Me: "7adhuuum!"

Nouf: "Sara weli salmich let's sneak out."

I gasped sarcastically, "LAAA2 :O M7AMAD YITHBA7NE! :O"

Nouf: "Wai3 maleeqa."

My phone vibrated against my pocket

Wahab: Sara

Me: Ha

Wahab: Shnu ha! Goulay 3yoon Sara goulay kalam 7lu

Me: Ryouuul Sara? ;*

Wahab: La??? Mashi. :)

Me: LOOL atghashmar! Hallaaa Wahabi shnu tabi?:D

Wahab: Ee 3abali ba3ad;p Shtsaween?

Me: Ga3da bel 9alaa

Wahab: 3adi ayee?

Me: Eeeee?:o Tufathal 3ade! 

Wahab: Wallah 9ij?

Me: Ent yanait?:/ Eg3ad eb mukanik a7sanlik:p

Wahab: Okay abi ashoufich

Me: Bacher :p

Wahab: La mabi abi elyoum

Me: Shloun tshoufne ya3ne?

Wahab: Rou7ay el9ala eli jdam elduwaniya al7een ayeelich:p

Me: Laish?

Wahab: Bas chithe:p

Me: Ee okay laish?

Wahab: Wayed ts2leen as2ila :) 

Me: Okay fine, bes layshofoonik okay?

Wahab: Shraych ya3ne:p 

I got up and made my way to the living room right in front of the duwaniya. We both arrived at the same time. 

I looked at the ground shyly. 

Wahab: "Shfeech msta7ya awal mara tshoufeeni ya3ne?!" he laughed. Well, it kind of felt like it. 

Wahab: "Wayhich a7mar." he poked my cheek. I literally was tongue-tied. 

Me: "Wahaaab!" 

He laughed, "Happy birthday yal 7ilwa." 

I heard someone walk in, "SARO?!"