This post is dedicated to @FajerAlBannay! I hope you guys like it. :p
*I'm proud to say that this is based on a true event :D Enjoy! x
Fatma: "La2 Sara mu 7lwa!"
Me: ":o Min9ijich? Itshawig!"
Fatma: "Sara mu3thamhum kbar shaku sharyatl'hum barbies?!"
Me: "Shaku kbar? Fee yahal!"
Fatma: "Way kaifich, kaifich!"
I walked down the aisles looking for toys in Fantasy World. I told Fatma about the orphanage and she said it would be a great idea to attend it with the rest of the schools. We already bought a large amount of toys for them, but there are some teenagers, from the age of 13-17. We didn't know what to buy them.
Fatma: "Yallah ana khala9t." I looked at her bag, not bad. I looked at mine, it was filled with dolls.
"Someone didn't live their childhood." she teased.
Me: "Chub! They're going to love them."
Fatma: "Whatever you say, Sara.." we payed the cashier and left with 9 bags in our hands. I called Lisa to help us carry them outside.
I got so excited, I was really looking forward for tomorrow.
My phone flashed a red light indicating I had a new bbm.
Wahab: Bityeen?
Me: Yup! :D
Wahab: 3ayal inshoufich?:p
Me: Oh kilna wya ba3ath bnrou7?
Wahab: Ee I think so:p Boys and girls of the school:D
Me: See you there:p
I don't know why, I had this feeling of excitment. I knew for sure I was excited for visiting the orphanage, but I was also excited because I was going to see Wahab.
Finally came Tuesday. All the girls that were attending the orphanage would skip 2 and half periods of school. I counted the girls, eight in total from our grade? That's a shame, I expected a lot of girls to attend the field trip.
We got into the old rusty bus, we started singing and goofing around. The bus finally reached the enormous gates of the orphanage, Fatma and I dragged the bags in and started to get the toys out. A women named Amal worked there, she gave us a tour of the orphanage. She was pale white, w kanat mit7ajba. It looked like she really did love her job.
Amal opened a door, it revealed a small playground for the kids. It's heartbreaking, knowing each and every child here have lost both of their parents. I walked around, some gave me stares and some gave me toothless smiles. A girl in the far end caught my eye, she was sitting alone whispering something to herself.
I knelt down and handed her a light brown teddy bear. They weirdly matched each other, both of them had sad eyes. She looked up and smiled at me, I smiled back.
Me: "Shismich?"
"Noura." she held the teddy bear firmly in her hand, and started rocking in her seat, bouncing her light brown curls.
Noura: "Entay shismich?" I love kids that interact!
I smiled, "Ismy Sara."
Someone tapped my shoulder, "Yallah Sara goumay." Fatma said indicating that it was time to move on to the older orphans.
Noura: "Bye Sara." she waved, I flashed her a smile and waved back.
We entered a bigger room, and I could see that Wahab was already there. He was talking to a young girl, she looked 5 or 6 years old. He was poking her and then started to play with her hair. The room had bigger kids, from the ages of 5-12. I handed out toys seeing which one was appropriate for their age. They were overwhelmed with joy when they saw us give out the toys, it just makes my day knowing I made someone happy, even in the most smallest way.
We spent 15-20 minutes in each room, moving to the older kids. We laughed together and heard their stories. There was this one girl that lost her mother to cancer, and her father has already died before that. It's amazing how strong they are, if it were for me? If I lost my father? I couldn't even think about it, the thought of it was just too scary.
We were eventually done, it was almost 1:30pm and not that much left of school.
The teachers that were with us said we'd have lunch in a nearby restaurant. They chose a random resturant that was near the orphanage, it was Indian. All of us sat down on the huge table, and so did the guys. Wahab sat right in front of me.
Wahab: "Ha shloun el zeyara?"
Me: "9adig 7ail stanast, jad lazim a7mid rabi."
Wahab: "El7imdila!"
We started talking about random subjects including riding, my day was perfect!
*I'm proud to say that this is based on a true event :D Enjoy! x
Fatma: "La2 Sara mu 7lwa!"
Me: ":o Min9ijich? Itshawig!"
Fatma: "Sara mu3thamhum kbar shaku sharyatl'hum barbies?!"
Me: "Shaku kbar? Fee yahal!"
Fatma: "Way kaifich, kaifich!"
I walked down the aisles looking for toys in Fantasy World. I told Fatma about the orphanage and she said it would be a great idea to attend it with the rest of the schools. We already bought a large amount of toys for them, but there are some teenagers, from the age of 13-17. We didn't know what to buy them.
Fatma: "Yallah ana khala9t." I looked at her bag, not bad. I looked at mine, it was filled with dolls.
"Someone didn't live their childhood." she teased.
Me: "Chub! They're going to love them."
Fatma: "Whatever you say, Sara.." we payed the cashier and left with 9 bags in our hands. I called Lisa to help us carry them outside.
I got so excited, I was really looking forward for tomorrow.
My phone flashed a red light indicating I had a new bbm.
Wahab: Bityeen?
Me: Yup! :D
Wahab: 3ayal inshoufich?:p
Me: Oh kilna wya ba3ath bnrou7?
Wahab: Ee I think so:p Boys and girls of the school:D
Me: See you there:p
I don't know why, I had this feeling of excitment. I knew for sure I was excited for visiting the orphanage, but I was also excited because I was going to see Wahab.
Finally came Tuesday. All the girls that were attending the orphanage would skip 2 and half periods of school. I counted the girls, eight in total from our grade? That's a shame, I expected a lot of girls to attend the field trip.
We got into the old rusty bus, we started singing and goofing around. The bus finally reached the enormous gates of the orphanage, Fatma and I dragged the bags in and started to get the toys out. A women named Amal worked there, she gave us a tour of the orphanage. She was pale white, w kanat mit7ajba. It looked like she really did love her job.
Amal opened a door, it revealed a small playground for the kids. It's heartbreaking, knowing each and every child here have lost both of their parents. I walked around, some gave me stares and some gave me toothless smiles. A girl in the far end caught my eye, she was sitting alone whispering something to herself.
I knelt down and handed her a light brown teddy bear. They weirdly matched each other, both of them had sad eyes. She looked up and smiled at me, I smiled back.
Me: "Shismich?"
"Noura." she held the teddy bear firmly in her hand, and started rocking in her seat, bouncing her light brown curls.
Noura: "Entay shismich?" I love kids that interact!
I smiled, "Ismy Sara."
Someone tapped my shoulder, "Yallah Sara goumay." Fatma said indicating that it was time to move on to the older orphans.
Noura: "Bye Sara." she waved, I flashed her a smile and waved back.
We entered a bigger room, and I could see that Wahab was already there. He was talking to a young girl, she looked 5 or 6 years old. He was poking her and then started to play with her hair. The room had bigger kids, from the ages of 5-12. I handed out toys seeing which one was appropriate for their age. They were overwhelmed with joy when they saw us give out the toys, it just makes my day knowing I made someone happy, even in the most smallest way.
We spent 15-20 minutes in each room, moving to the older kids. We laughed together and heard their stories. There was this one girl that lost her mother to cancer, and her father has already died before that. It's amazing how strong they are, if it were for me? If I lost my father? I couldn't even think about it, the thought of it was just too scary.
We were eventually done, it was almost 1:30pm and not that much left of school.
The teachers that were with us said we'd have lunch in a nearby restaurant. They chose a random resturant that was near the orphanage, it was Indian. All of us sat down on the huge table, and so did the guys. Wahab sat right in front of me.
Wahab: "Ha shloun el zeyara?"
Me: "9adig 7ail stanast, jad lazim a7mid rabi."
Wahab: "El7imdila!"
We started talking about random subjects including riding, my day was perfect!
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